Marcellus Dennis Liem
Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) / The University of Sydney
“AS Student Service – BSD sangat membantu saya dalam mengeksplorasi pilihan-pilihan universitas di luar negeri, sehingga akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mendaftar ke The University of Sydney. Pelayanannya sangat fast response dan admin (Kak Hanna) yang menghandle application saya very helpful untuk setiap pertanyaan yang saya ajukan dan memberi informasi-informasi lainnya apa yang perlu saya lakukan […]
Claudia Novelia
Master of Marketing (Extension) / University of Technology Sydney
Proses apply visa Australia dan sekolah di UTS menjadi sangat mudah berkat bantuan tim AS Student Service BSD. Saya sudah bertanya soal info-info sekolah di Australia sekitar 2 tahun sebelum saya apply kuliah di UTS, tapi tim AS tetap sabar dan informatif dalam jangka 2 tahun itu. Tim AS juga selalu mengambil inisiatif untuk membantu […]
Joshua Christopher Witono
Bachelor of Information Technology / University of Technology Sydney
Setelah AS Student Service sudah membantu saya, process untuk mencari dan apply untuk University of Technology Sydney menjadi gampang sekali. Mereka membantu saya untuk mencari tau VISA dan membantu apply process test IELTS. Overall saya pikir kalau AS Student Service BSD City adalah agent terbaik untuk siswa-siswa.
Celine Miranda Callista
Master of Business Analytics / La Trobe University
Since the very beginning, AS Student Service BSD City has assisted me in finding the most suitable course for my Master’s degree, kept me in the loop with updates from the university and helped with the administrative processes. The staffs are communicative and helpful, and they always provide swift replies during working hours. I highly […]
Maura Della Jayanti
Associate in Business Administration and Management / Bellevue College USA
Huge thanks to AS Student Service BSD City that guided me through the whole study abroad adventure. They have been with me every step of the way, from the first chat about schools to getting my visa. They even made sure that I settled in okay here in the US. Their dedication has been outstanding […]
Matthew Christopher Kuswandi
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies / The University of Sydney
Applying, studying and living in Sydney has been made easier with the help of AS Student Service BSD City. All staff members were attentive and made making the hard choices for uni life easier. Whether it be accommodation, choosing majors and choosing unis, AS Student Service BSD City has made it easier to decide which […]
Nadine Nataca Maukar
Diploma in Media and Communication and Bachelor of Media / UNSW College and UNSW University
Having AS Student Service BSD City help me in my university application made most of the process easier than it would’ve been doing it alone. Not only did AS Student Service BSD City help me determine the best major that fits with my interests, they’ve also helped me with finding a good accommodation to stay […]
Earlene Steffany
Bachelor of Arts major in Psychology / The University of Adelaide (Australia)
The University of Adelaide was pretty much a dream for me to go to and AS Student Service BSD City helped me out every step of the way. From providing the needed expectations to join the university, to helping out with handling emails and enrollment; I was able to get into Uni of A. So […]
Keisha Philia Ibrahim
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Arts and Design / Bournemouth University UK
AS student Service BSD City helped me get into my dream university in the UK, Bournemouth University for Computer Animation Art and Design. I met them back in 2019 when I started to take my higher education seriously. Since then, they’ve been helping me find good universities for the major I’m interested in, animation and […]
Nicholas Adam Kusnadjaja
BA of Architecture with International Year One / Newcastle University UK
I have found that AS Student Service BSD City have helped me and my family specify a very important decision in our lives in a way that was very personal for us, different from those we’ve seen. With all the external matters aside such as availability, awareness, completeness of information, in-hand assistance, just to name […]
Karen Agni
Diploma of Art and Design, Bachelor of Design / Monash University
Pelayanannya gercep bangett, very very informative and well-explained, detailed. Semuanya bener2 diurusin dan dibantu isiin form2 persyaratan dsb. AS team jugaa sangatt sabar, telaten, flexible dan veryy friendly. They give us many recommendations or preferences start from accomodation, visa/documents or the other things. Also, If u are confused with anything, just directly ask them. AS […]
Lauren Edelyne
Bachelor of Business / Monash University
Friendliest staffs ever! AS Student Yogyakarta has been really helpful on arranging and ensuring everything I need for my study, trustworthy!
Ravelia Gunawan
Diploma of Engineering / UNSW Global
Super helpful and very kind, very informative and quick to respond ! Definitely a 10/10!
Glenn Navero Sitera
Bachelor of Business / University of Technology Sydney
AS Student Service Yogyakarta really cares about their student’s needs, with great services they’ve been really helpful to help me prepare for my study abroad.
Thesya Evania Gabrielle
Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours) / University of Technology Sydney
Pelayanannya bagus banget, staf nya ramah banget, menjawab semua pertanyaanku dengan kesabaran penuh. AS Student Service Yogyakarta juga membantuku dalam memilih jurusan dan universitas yang tepat dan juga membantuku mengurus hal² lain seperti akomodasi, visa, dll. Stafnya juga baik banget bisa memberi saran dan solusi kalau aku ada kesulitan selama kuliah. Pokoknya mantab dan recommended!
Alenna Supit
Bachelor of Commerce
So grateful! AS Student Service Yogyakarta was helpful to the end, everyone is so friendly, thank you!
Lie Phing
Bachelor of Design: Animation / RMIT University
A very good service! Para staff di AS Student Service Yogyakarta sangat supportive, & telah membantu saya dalam memilih Universitas dan juga jurusan yang tepat. Saya senang karena saya mendapat berbagai masukan, bertukar pikiran, panduan dan juga dukungan yang saya butuhkan oleh mereka, terutama oleh Kak Rere dan Ko Chris. Hal tersebut juga dirasakan oleh […]